A digital archive of photos taken by students and faculty from Koç University’s department of Archaeology and History of Art (ARHA) during their field trips from the fall 2019 onward. This collection is an ongoing ARHA project and includes at its first stage photos from two trips: 1. Göbeklitepe and Urfa 2. Vize and Kıyıköy in Thrace. The photos show the archaeological sites, monuments and artefacts seen from the eyes of students and they document Türkiye’s cultural heritage. The collection, available to the whole Koç University community, represents a valuable educational tool that can be used for teaching and research purposes. It aims to reinvigorate interest in ARHA related disciplines and raise awareness about the material vestiges of Anatolian civilizations. ARHA faculty, Ivana Jevtić and Nikos D. Kontogiannis, would like to thank all the students who give us permission to catalogue and reproduce their photos and those who help with the cataloguing process, starting with Hasret Kılıçoğlu and Gediz Deren Öktem. We also thank all our collaborators in the Suna Kıraç Library in the hope that this collection will continue to grow as material from new trips will be added.